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Star-K Guide to Buying Chometz After Pesach

Rabbi Dovid Heber, Star-K

Rabbi Dovid Herber STAR-K Kashrus Administrator

The following chart offers guidelines for products that are chometz she’avar olov haPesach. “Prohibited” next to a product indicates the product is subject to the halachos of chometz she’avar olov haPesach - the prohibition of consuming or deriving benefit from chometz that was owned by a Jew during Pesach. Therefore, after Pesach, one may not purchase such products from a Jewish owned store whose owner did not properly sell his chometz before Pesach. “Allowed” next to a product indicates the product is not subject to the halachos of chometz she’avar olov haPesach. These products may be purchased at any store after Pesach. Find the original chart at the STar-K's website here.


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