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Liquid Logistics

Kashrus Awareness Staff

In It For The Long Haul

Most commercial products nowadays have some sort of liquid in their ingredient panel. The complexities of transporting liquids and keeping them kosher while being transported, falls directly under the watchful eye of Rabbi Yochanan Schnall - a Rabbinic Coordinator at the cRc in charge of their transportation industry. Let’s listen in as he takes us on a tour behind the scenes of the tanker trucking industry.



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The Kashrus Awareness Project receives guidance from AKO, an umbrella association of kashrus organizations. We do not intend to render halachic decisions, nor do we affiliate with, or endorse the contents of linked material. Content has been aggregated with permission from their authors and serves as a reference guide to the many kashrus related topics. The project's mission is to inform and educate the kosher consumer to know what to look out for and what to inquire about. After all, sh’alas chochom is chatzi teshuvah. Please note: Many of the resources found on this site may not necessarily be up to date. For all questions you have regarding halachah, please ask you local Rav for guidance. Not responsible for typographical or informational errors.

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